Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On The Strange Ways of 12 yr Old Boys.....

The Boy came rambling in yesterday with his buddy and said he was invited to spend the night. Well, ok, not yet invited, but they were going to ask. Would that be ok? I told him to ask dad. I was getting ready to go the 'Longest Night' service at church and did not want to think about it. The Husband and I tag-teamed, meaning I pulled out as he pulled in.
I've been to this service the last 3 years. It's a solemn service meant for people who are grieving for someone this time of year and want kind of a quiet way to do it. The last few years, I drug everyone with me. First it was dad's passing, then Husband's mom, then mom. This year, nobody passed, but I still feel like I am grieving, somehow. Last year, when mom died in November, I was kind of in shock. Coming home and celebrating the holidays was kind of auto-pilot. This year, I feel the void more. Anyway, the service is somewhere you could go and cry and not worry about people thinking you are crazy. Unlike say, the grocery store, where it un-nerves people to see you cry...So I went by myself...sparing the others from tears and sadness...

When I returned, The Boy ran over and hugged me and said he would see me in the morning. They were playing flashlight tag, and then were headed to his friend's house. They had sweetly let Little One play too. (This more due to the kindness of his friend). The Husband and I settled in to what we thought was going to be a quiet evening, until the phone rang. It was The Boy, asking if plans could change and they could spend the night here. I in no way understood why this needed to happen, but I heard "brother", "early" and...well, mainly "Is that ok?" Well, why not? Ok. Come on. So 10 minutes later, in came The Boy, the friend, and ???the brother. And suddenly the whole evening changed. Because there were bunk beds that had to be prepared and a sleeping bag that had to be laid out....so I took care of it, and they watched a movie. When The Husband and I decided it was lights out time, we sent them upstairs. 10 minutes later, The Boy once again appeared at our door, explaining that the brother wanted to go home, and he needed to "walk him". ,,,,Again, when it comes to 12 year old boys...the explanation never makes sense. So ok, walk him home. I think we were all in bed by midnight...

So they were up early today...off to construct a "beaver dam" down at the creek. I have no idea what this entails...I only know that is is rare that The Boy is worried about getting his clothes dirty...but he was worried today...Oh Boy.

That is it for today. The Tike is coming over later on for a spend-the-night, so I have to set up the train set. Little One is sleeping strangely late...or doing something covert in her room....I'll hope for the first choice....

Until tomorrow....

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