Wednesday, December 2, 2009

On Changing My Mind... Maybe

Just a couple of things....

1) I may have to amend yesterday's posting on Tiger Woods after the news this morning. I'm not rushing to judgement...but all of this 'texting' stuff and women coming out of the woodwork tend to discourage me from wanting to defend him. Yesterday I felt I'm leaning towards "you made your bed, now lie in it"......But hey, too soon to have an opinion.

2) I personally did not like the President's speech on Afghanistan last night. I don't think you can defend sending 30,000 troops over there by saying that it is important for the good of the world...and then in the next sentence say that you'll bring them home in 18 months regardless of the outcome. It felt like a defensive speech crafted to appease his detractors on the left and right. To the Michael Moores of the world who want to just get out...he explained that there was real danger there that needs to be addressed. To those who think we should be sending more troops, he explained that it was a very expensive war and we could not be there on an open-ended basis. It was definitely not a "rally the troops" speech...but more of a 'well, if I have to"...not exactly what I would think our military would want to hear. I don't like that he is always so apologetic....BE THE PRESIDENT. Take a stand, whatever that is, and then state it and move on. Don't waste our time trying to justify everything. Didn't he ever hear that you can't please all the people all the time??

(One defense of him...I appreciated hearing that his delay of making his mind up on this matter did not put the troops at any risk. If you listened to the conservative would have thought that he was twiddling his thumbs while the troops were waiting. Evidently, the needed troops were not requested until 2010. Shame on the press for making it seem like he was just ignoring his military advisors...)

3)On the home front, Little One is in rehearsals for two different plays: 'Grease' at the local playhouse, which requires her to dance and sing, and the Christmas play at school which requires her to be an elf and act out the lines she has written. I am not allowed to see her rehearse either both should be interesting. Picking out the costume for the elf took about a week. I never knew that there were so many versions of the Christmas elf. Unfortunately, there are several"'sexy" versions on line which I had to talk her out of. She did not understand why a 10 year old would probably not want to wear stockings and heels in the 4th grade play....

4) The Boy's schedule is full. He continues to practice basketball for his team...but he also has weight training, endurance training and batting lessons. He and I look at each other every morning and say 'What sport today?"......On another note....he is in the midst of writing his first research paper. An outline had to be constructed. Can somebody explain to me why the same boy who can organize his baseball cards by color, player, size, batting average, etc,. cannot seem to understand the pertinence of an outline?

5) Thanks to those who have asked about my nose. It still hurts, but it no longer looks crooked...and this is the first morning since the incident that I have not had to put on several layers of make up to keep from being questioned by the police...

That's it for this rainy day. I'm thinking of pulling our the Christmas decorations. Little One has already reminded me to "do it better this year".....until tomorrow......

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