Monday, December 7, 2009

On Monday Morning Mysteries...

It's hard enough to get up and going on Monday morning...but the following are the small mysteries of life that keep me frustrated, yet curious...

1) Why are there always 3 pairs of pants lying on the floor after The Boy leaves his room? We know it is not because he is trying several on for looks, because the light never comes on in the room while he gets dressed.

2) Why does Little One ask for "two more minutes of sleep" every morning, and then pass me on the stairs on the way back down?

3) Why does The Boy say he is not very hungry, and then proceed to eat 17 waffles with "lots of butter"?

4) Why does Little One refuse to brush the bottom half of her hair every morning, yet take great pains to put her headband in?

5) Why (and even more important, how) is there toothpaste on the side wall of the bathroom. I understand the sink...and the mirror...but what gestures are required to get it on the wall?

6) Why does The Boy have to watch all the ESPN highlights, even if he has seen the same ones that night before??

7) Why does Little One insist on having me straighten her hair on rainy days, when we both know it will be curly again before we get to school?

8) Why do the cats jockey for eating position every morning when they see me coming...and then try to knock ME out of the way too? Seriously lacking in basic intelligence....

9) Why does the dog refuse to eat before I go back inside? It's like a test of wills....

10)Why does The Husband let his blackberry play the wake up song 452 times until I have to go in and turn it off? Does he realize that the blackberry is the alarm...not me??

11) How can it take The Husband 39 minutes to get ready...when it only takes me 7? (Ok, I shower the night before, but still...)

So that is it for today. Monday mornings are always a little difficult, but it is the holiday season, so I am going to attempt to overlook these minor nuisances. Until tomorrow, when hopefully The Husband will fulfill his yearly duty and come home with a lovely Christmas tree....

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