Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Rivers Know This; There is No Hurry. We Shall Get There Some Day" Winnie the Pooh

Today it's a mini-blog. I'm busy researching an article on fashion which I will blog on tomorrow. (A fore-warning to those who have no interest in Vogue or fashion marketing or Anna Wintour) This is one of those articles that I write and submit to Bazaar, knowing that the chances are I will be rejected. But who knows, one day I may actually end up in there, and if not, I can always publish the "best of" my rejections...

It was another semi-smooth morning in our household. The new "breakfast together" rule was enforced, and The Boy and Little One grunted and nodded their way through pancakes. The second new rule is...everybody eats the same thing. When I was growing up, mom put something on the table and we ate. I have no idea how I have morphed into this short-order cook, taking requests and driving myself crazy trying to fix custom meals. But this year, I have decided to go with the old-fashioned approach...I decide what to cook....and everyone eats it. The Boy looked at his pancakes and said "What happened to my bacon and eggs?" Well, I replied, I decided on pancakes today. Maybe tomorrow. And to my surprise, he sat down and ate every bite. Gee, I should have done this along time ago.

The new uniform dress-code has worked out well thus far...I actually think they both look terrific, and I have to say that I can already see this saving me lots of time, especially where the Little One is concerned. We no longer have to spend an hour staring at her closet each night and rating outfits...and it is interesting to see how she puts her spin on the uniform...today, she tied her sash backwards around her shorts and it looked totally different than yesterday. The Boy now has so few options that he can lay out his own clothes. I think I like this. I take back every bad thing I said about polyester this and boring that....live and learn.

And so with all of the time saved from meals and uniforms, I have decided to take my paint brushes out of storage and begin painting again. A few people have requested paintings in the last few years, but since moving here, I just hadn't had the desire or heart to paint. In fact, I think the last painting I did was for my mother-in-law before she died. I saw it hanging in her beach condo this past summer and it brought tears to my eyes. But good tears. So I have a few ideas of my own, and I think I'll surprise a few people that have asked...

So until tomorrow, when the school year continues to have a nice feel to it, and I have decided that the key to success is my own attitude...

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