Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 2 and the Coast is Still Clear...

I'll keep it short, because i may get kicked off at any minute. Any internet access is only available in a small corner of The Boy's room that he is sharing with a friend. Therefore, I am forced to write while dodging balls and smelling an overload of Axe deoderant spray...

The beach is beautiful. Little One and I are having a ball finding shells and dodging crabs. The Boy and his friend are alternating shooting water guns and texting girls...The Husband is working a bit, but enjoying the beach too.

If you kept up with the last trip, you'll remember that I was met a few mornings by a Mexican worker coming out of a guest bedroom. I would sip my coffee and nod as he murmured "Buenos Dias". So far, so good on that score....but it is only day 2...and The Husband does not usually throw these "surprises" at me for a few days...I continue to wear sweatpants in any common areas of the condo.

The Boy and friend challenged Little One and me to a whiffle ball game last night...Happy to say the girls won out...11-9....but 6 innings of whiffle ball on the beach have worn me out...so the workout room is out today...

I'll close for the morning and hope that i can get on later. The Boy and friend have eaten a total of 22 pancakes and are now ready for the beach.

So until this afternoon...

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