Friday, August 14, 2009

On Being Thankful

School starts back on Monday, which would usually put me in a state of depression. I have always found this time of year so sad. Even though the kids can absolutely drive me crazy, I like having them around, and I definitely like the slower ebb and flow of the summer days. But this year, I am determined to look at things differently. I have been ferverently reading the Alana Stewart book about Farrah Fawcett that I referred to yesterday. It is so heart-wrenching that I literally have to read a chapter and then put it down and go do something else. The description of what this poor woman went through for several years prior to her death is just beyond description. Having been through the horrible process of losing my dad, my mother-in-law and my mom to cancer in the last 3 years, I thought I had experienced the worst of it. Especially with my mother-in-law, who waged a fearsome battle against ovarian cancer. But without being indelicate here, after reading the description of what Farrah went through during her fight against anal cancer, I cannot even descibe how courageous and strong she was.

You know the feeling you get sometimes when you are in the midst of a terrible stomach virus or flu? You promise yourself that if you can just get through it, you will appreciate every healthy moment you have...and then of course 2 days later you are well and complaining about some minor issue once again. Well today, I am filled with that feeling even though I have only read about it. I am reminded that while I am stressed out over not finding the right school supplies or cleaning up after the dog...there are people who are truly suffering and fighting for their life. And I am reminded to open my eyes and take life moment -by-moment and be thankful...

And so today, I will try to be in a state of gratitude that:

1) I had a wonderful dinner with all my girls last night...and my Tike. The Tike belongs to the Rebel...and yes, for those who follow the blog, The Rebel is a senior in college and not married...which means exactly what is sounds like. So The Little One is an aunt (a very adored aunt) and I am a....Nonni...which is the Italian word for grandmother (a name that was lovingly recommended by my mother-in-law, who intuitively knew at the time that because of ages and situations, Nonni was the perfect title)...And as Tom Hanks said in You've Got Mail..." American family", with all of our ups and down. And I always hesitate to talk about this to people I do not know, because the lovely Rebel is a dean's list college senior and a very good mommy...not at all what one might stereotype when hearing about her...and so unless I know you well, I am probably not going to give you the chance to make that unfair stereotype....and so today, I am thankful for time spent with all of them, because we all have busy lives and we are separated by many dinners together are rare and treasured...

2) Thankful for the many days spent at Grandma's house this summer...with all of it's memories...I was blessed hands-down with the best mother-in-law in the world, and this house keeps her alive in my heart.

3) Thankful for the Husband, who rules the world, but makes me laugh on a daily basis..

4) Thankful for my friend Kelly, who e-mailed me after yesterday's blog and said that she would of course be the "Alana to my Farrah" if the need ever arose...

5) And thankful for The BiG Sister who is patiently waiting for me to finish my blog so she can fill me in on her evening...and thankful for Beloved Niece whose e-mails cause me to literally belly-laugh during the day...

So until Monday, with pencils sharpened and bookbags packed, when I will swallow the tears and welcome in a new school year...

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