Friday, August 28, 2009

If You're A Bird, I'm a Bird" The Notebook

I usually take great care in coming up with the blog title. I've noticed over the months that certain titles seem to draw more readers. I don't always choose based on this fact, but sometimes I do. I love to find a quote that ties in with what I'm writing about. That's what I did on Monday when I wrote about the "tiff". I remembered the quote from Love Story and thought it was the perfect lead-in. That is until yesterday when the Brother-in-Law informed me that the quote was an out-of-date reference. He said he doubted that any of my readers had heard of it, much less seen the movie. Now I agree with him about seeing the movie, but I guess I thought this was one of those iconic quotes that held up over time, kind of like "Play it once, Sam" and "Here's looking at you kid" from Casablanca, or "You had me at hello" from Jerry Maguire. Anyway, I'm making a note to update my references...and so today's blog title has nothing to do with the blog. It was suggested that I need to be quoting movies like The Notebook, so even though I'm not sure this quote will stand the test of time, I gave it a shot. The rest of the blog will have to be quick, because normally I would only spend 2 out of 23 minutes on the title...

I'm glad we are at the end of the week. The Boy is off to a great start at school. Being in 7th grade, he received a laptop this week. As you can probably guess, I have mixed feelings on this. In some ways, it is an unbelievable educational other ways, it just perpetuates the technology crutch that all of us are falling prey to. Will kids ever be asked to actually write a story or paper again? Isn't it kind of sad that they will never know the frustration of having to start over on a page because they messed up...and don't have a backspace or delete button to correct it? Can you imagine that he will actually be doing art projects on the laptop? When I think of art class, I think of pencil sketches and oil paints....not cropping pictures on the laptop. Oh well, I guess I just need to "roll with the times" as The Boy would say....

His computer is equipped with a webcam, which allows him to "video-chat" with friends. He is enjoying this little extra...for reasons that I will not divulge in order to preserve his privacy. I actually like this too...because it encourages TALKING instead of typing...a healthier way, I think, to conduct any relationship. I always have this premonition of our children texting with their spouses and children instead of talking in the future. Every day when I pick up The Boy, I am amazed at the number of kids who are standing around together texting on their phones instead of talking to each other! Of course, The Boy has still not entered the world of cell phones yet, much to his dismay. He came home the other day insisting that he was one of only 4 people in his grade who doesn't have a phone....and his description of the other 3 kids was so funny that I had to excuse myself and go to another room to laugh. (It wasn't mean-spirited...just funny). I'm hoping that the laptop will help to allay some of his phone obsession..we'll see.

So until next week, as I pack to head to grandma's house for the weekend....Little One is having an old friend over, and she is so excited that it has us all in a good mood...remembering that the anticipation is half the fun....

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