Monday, November 30, 2009

Back To The Routine....

It's always hard to get back into the swing of things after a holiday weekend. Little One provided a negative running commentary this morning on her feelings about the day. "I don't want to get up. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to eat breakfast. I don't want to brush my teeth."....Well, you get the picture.

The Husband and I headed to the school parking lot late last night to try and start the car that I had to leave in the parking lot last week. Dad's car may have provided me with some good memories in the past...but this last memory made me consider just leaving it there. However, after tightening several wires, it started right up....Many thanks to the 'friends' who said they were actually in line that day and 'would have stopped if they had seen me.' ....Uh, ok, yeah, thanks....However, heartfelt thanks to Mr. J, who kindly picked me up, waited in line for the kids, and made polite conversation, all the while pretending that I had not interrupted his day....
SO happy to be driving my own car this morning. The Husband was kind enough to get those tires on so quickly for me. And for those of you who are thinking that it was some sort of payback for the nose are most likely correct.

Speaking of the nose, it is much better this morning...but there is agreement among the family that it looks a little crooked. Now The Husband thinks this is because it is still bruised and this somehow "causes shading that makes it look crooked." ...Uh, ok. The Boy just said "You better go to the doctor." I say it is a good thing I am not vain (Husband is belly-laughing at this) because otherwise, the crookedness would affect my mood. I do admit to being happy that I have no appointments today. I also admit to hiding during school drop off this morning....

I went shopping on Black Friday (what does that mean?) with Big Sis and Little One. We actually only made it to one store. Little One found a lovely turquoise shirt with attached necklace which she wore the whole weekend. Big Sis scored a chic animal-print dress which I would wager she is wearing to work today. I came away with a lavatory sign that says "toilette" in french. What I really wanted was a pair of red suede 5 inch platform heels. Little One and Big Sis tried to talk me into getting them, but as I have said before, 5 inches puts me at 6'3...and where do I go these days where I need to be 6'3? I wasn't able to talk myself into them, even at the fabulous sale price...but they are still on my mind today. If I could just come up with a place to wear them...

Lastly, we had a wonderful dinner with BFF friends on Saturday night. So nice after eating leftovers for a few days to go out for a delicious meal. I had to plot out my meal, since the first thing I saw was that the chocolate creme brulee was the "special" dessert for the evening. Everyone said they were going to take a bite...but as it turned out, it was just me and Little one who polished it off....I left feeling like I couldn't move. It was the best dessert I've had in ages...but it also made me feel like I better step up my workouts a bit this week....

So that's it for today. Little One is making her stage debut as an elf in the Christmas I am off in search of a costume...Until tomorrow.....

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