Monday, October 12, 2009

There Aren't Enough Days in the Weekend

When you have kids, it's funny how much of your happiness is dependant on their happiness. This past weekend was just terrific....

Big Sister and SIL are on a fun-filled trip to NYC. They took off Saturday morning and she has kept me entertained with pictures and e-mails of where they are. I am living vicariously through them, since it has been much too long since my last trip there. In my previous life, I spent a lot of time working in NYC, and sometimes Big Sis would come with me. During that time, she enjoyed visiting, but when I would talk about how much fun it would be to live there, she would disagree, feeling it was "too much". Funny how time and age change things....yesterday, she said that she and SIL were trying to come up with a "5 year plan" to move there...meanwhile, they are eating, shopping and celebrity-stalking their way through the City....

The Senior spent all of last week working on a major research paper. She was totally stressed and unhappy until 4:00 on Friday when she turned it in. Thursday night around 11:00 I got a call..."Mom, can you read my paper and edit for me?".....Well, I asked, could it wait until the morning? I had just finished studying with The Boy and wasn't sure I had the energy to edit. (The Husband might have also suggested that it was too late for editing).....Well no...she needed it done "now" because she would be up all night working on it. .....I had to give in and do it, because a) she works very hard and b) after the last few edits she has done on my work...payback was in order.....However, after I plowed through an engrossing paper on Irish literature, there was very little editing to be congrats to The Senior for finishing her paper and good luck on mid-terms...

The Boy had a spend-the-night with a good friend on Friday night. I dropped off his bag after school and wished him a good time. We decided to attend the high school football game that night, and The Boy was there too. He was sweet enough to come over and give me a hug and say good night. Without breaking down and crying, I am once again reminded that The Boy is growing up and I have to let go just a bit....but I'll still take the hugs anytime.

Little One had the BFF over for a couple of nights. It was girl-time in the house-hold, full of stuffed animals, Disney channel and nail polish. Without The Boy around to argue with, they had a blissful time. If truth be told, I think she missed him though. Because the house if awfully quiet without The Boy around to keep us informed of his every move...("Going out to throw the ball....going up to read...going over to C.J.'s house"....The Boy likes to give us the ESPN analysis of his daily life)

And that's it for the weekend. The Yankees won, the Vikings won, UT won.....and the Husband won all of his "bets" for the weekend too...

So until's hoping it's a good week for everyone....

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