Monday, October 5, 2009

"Monday. In Christian Countries, the Day After the Ballgame."

The moods matched the weather this morning. The weekend went by much too quickly, since most of it was spent at the ball park. The Boy played 4 games this weekend...Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon....and then 8:00 Sunday morning. Now this final game meant we would have to rise at 6:30 to get there in time. Upon hearing this news Saturday evening, I literally felt like crying. I haven't missed one of The Boy's games since last summer when the doctor forbid me to go due to pneumonia. Wait, I take that back...I did miss a few games this past summer when I had to take Little One to her softball tournament...but you get the picture. I just felt exhausted. The Husband kindly suggested that I sleep in and come to a later game, but I was worried about The Boy's reaction. He is very good at guilting me out...and I was braced for his comments. But when The Husband told him it would only be the 2 of them going at 6:30, his only question was "Can we stop for breakfast?" I was so relieved...and at 6:30 the next morning, I barely heard them leave. Little One , who was still suffering due to that orthodontic appliance (of which I have been told not to call by name), slept peacefully through the departure too.

Little One has been in tears since last Wednesday. This horrid appliance, which looks like some kind of torture device out of the middle ages, has her in a lot of pain. Now The Boy has this too, and I remember him being sore for a few days when he first got it on...but he mainly used it as an excuse to have 3 milkshakes a day. I've tried this with Little One, but it doesn't help much. She had tears falling on the way to school. I offered for her to stay home..but she may have a softball game tonight, and she didn't want to take a chance on missing it. I offered to bring her a milkshake for lunch, and she took me up on it. I hate seeing her in so much discomfort....I told her "I wish it were me and not you." Being Little One, she replied "Oh no you don't. You don't have any idea what this feels like. You didn't have these in the old days..."....

The Boy has a big science test today. He talked about it all weekend. "Gee, I hope I do ok on that test.... Gosh, hope I don't fail that test.... Ok, getting ready to study for that test.....But somehow, all of the worry and talk never manifests into truly studying. Finally, at bedtime last night, he was ready to be quizzed over it. After stumbling through it, he asked "Well, what do you think?..B+?" This is the thing about The Boy...he is an optimist. Last night, I was thinking C-, but he must have put in a little more time after he went to bed, because this morning on the way to school, I upgraded him to a B+...

A couple last notes...I had a terrific dinner with Big Sister and a good friend Saturday night. One of those glorious "girl" dates where you sit down at your table and the waitress has to come back 6 times before you hush and figure out what you are going to order. During the course of 90 minutes, we covered everything from vegetarianism to computer technology to 'Dancing with the Stars'. ...Now, during this conversation, I happened to mention that I was rooting for Donny Osmond to win 'Dancing'. I like how he is so upbeat, plus I think he is good. When I mentioned this, Big Sister informed me that the SIL, upon hearing this, had said "Big surprise. Of course she would go for the 50's cheesy crooner.".....Excuse me? ...I immediately had her call him and ask why on earth he would say this. I absolutely HATE being a forgone conclusion. But all he would say is "These are questions you just have to ask yourself..."...That is the SIL for you...Mr. Zen. My guess is he's rooting the Boy band guy...

So until tomorrow, when hopefully the weather will be better, Little One will be feeling better, and Donny Osmond will be in the lead on 'Dancing'...

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