Friday, September 25, 2009

"To Avoid Criticism, Do Nothing, Say Nothing and Be Nothing."

It's been a pretty good week in our house. Everyone did well on homework and tests...and since I am the live-in tutor, I take a lot of pride in this. Probably too much. I get way too excited when an A is it is my grade or something. (There is probably some kind of psychological reason for this.)

Little One and I were lucky to get a visit from The Senior and the Tike last night. After a long day of work and classes, she was in the mood for some company and a home-cooked meal. So over a plate of spaghetti, The Senior filled me in on college life. She also took the opportunity to critique all of my writing. See, being a senior English major, The Senior feels it is her responsibility to demonstrate how she is a much better writer than me. Any article or piece I have written, published or not, gets torn apart. Last night, I learned that I am using my 'to be' verbs too in next week's blog, I will purposefully leave out 'is', 'was' and 'were'....I will instead use verbs like 'criticize', 'rip apart' and 'upstage'....

The Tike and I have a running narrative...I began telling him a particular made-up monster story about a year ago, and every time I see him, he wants me to continue the story. Now first of all, I am amazed that at 3 years old that he can remember this...and secondly, I am really ready to move on to a new story...but he refuses to let me! He only wants to hear about the big, red monster with an orange tummy and green feet who scared the fish away and had to be sent away on the train. I know...not very inspired, but I do the best I can. Every time I try to tell a new one, he says "NO NONI! Tell me about the red monster!! Why did he scare the fish?"...Oh well, maybe I will write a children's story about this red monster...but hey Senior...I WILL BE SURE TO NOT USE TOO MANY 'TO BE' VERBS!!!!!!.....

The Boy was quiet this morning until I turned up the new Lady Gaga song in the car. He started laughing and said "YOU like this song, mom?". Well, yeah, I do. "Have you listened to the words?"......Well, I did. And I was immediately grateful that I had let the Little One leave the hearing aids at home today. I believe this song could be incorporated into the 6th grade sex education curriculum...

Little One is going on a field trip today to the Botanical Gardens. "Mom, I don't need to hear anything at those Gardens!" Well, ok. I caved and let her leave off the hearing aids. I noticed she went with the high ponytail....this is the hairstyle that is usually out of the question because then the hearing aids will show....It is all a matter of priorities...

Best of luck to Big Sister who is running in a 5k this weekend. I think it is her first one, but I am not going out on a limb to say it, because if I do, she will immediately shoot me an e-mail that says "I can't believe you don't remember..." and I will be in big trouble.

Ok, that is it for today. Except for my best wishes to a friend whose mom has been in the thoughts are with you.
And until next week, when there will be no "to be ' verbs used....

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