Thursday, September 3, 2009

"I Love My Sleep. My Life Has a Tendency To Fall Apart When I Am Awake, You Know?" ....Ernest Hemingway

I woke up at 4:20 this morning and I was so happy. I felt rested...and I still had 2 hours of sleep to go. I turned over, and what felt like 2 minutes later, the alarm went off. Now I understand all of that stuff about cycles of sleep and blah, blah, blah...but it just doesn't make sense that at 4:20 I feel great, yet at 6:20, I feel as if I cannot move. I glanced over at The Husband, and he was still blissfully snoring away. (I am always a little jealous of The Husband's school year routine, which involves a leisurely shower and a bowl of oatmeal waiting for him on his counter...though as he is now getting ready to say, it all balances out in the summer, when he kisses me good-bye while I am still in bed...)
Anyway, the problem is that lately there have been too many late night baseball practices, Braves-game rain delays which resume about 11:00,...and then of course, no matter how tired we are, The Husband and I are glued to "Friends" re-runs at 11:00 no matter how many times we've seen them...and these often morph into "That 70's Show" at 11:30, which we try to turn off, but keep saying "next commercial".

This silliness culminated yesterday into a true moment of embarrassment for yours truly. I arrived early to school pick-up line. I had forgotten my book, so there was nothing to do except sweat in the heat (because The Husband always says "DON"T WASTE GAS BY RUNNING THE AIR CONDITIONING IN LINE!"....Now the little catch there is, The Husband doesn't have to sit in 105 degree heat...but that aside...). So I listened to the radio, made a few calls....and then, with about 10 minutes to go, I decided to just close my eyes and "rest" for 2 minutes. Well, 15 minutes later I awoke to the sound of moving cars and honking horns...Yes, I had fallen asleep in line, and instead of someone kindly running over and tapping on my window...they all chose to drive around me and HONK. This proved to be highly humiliating, but I recovered quickly and made my way though the line. When I told The Boy and Little One what had happened, the first thing they asked was "Did anybody see you?" It was as if I had killed someone and was trying to hide the body....Nothing worse than embarrassing the kids...

So this morning, as the rest of the day stretches out beyond me, I'm a little concerned. Though I am granted a reprieve from pick-up line, because both kids have help-sessions after school...there is still that late-night softball practice that doesn't end until if you happen to see me at practice sleeping in my car...please don't honk...just tap on my window....

Until tomorrow, when I will look forward to sleeping late on Saturday...

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