Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Joy and Temperance and Repose, Slam the Door on the Doctor's Nose" Longfellow

Is it Friday yet? I usually try to avoid that kind of thinking, but everyone in our house has been feeling "on the verge" of being sick. Somehow it seems like a weekend of sleep and relaxation will solve it all, but The Boy has 5 ballgames this coming weekend, so this vision of r & r may not materialize.

Little One woke up yesterday morning in an unusually bad mood. She is normally robotic in her morning routine, pausing only to ask how her hair looks or hide her hearing aids. But a sore throat and little cough had her feeling down. As I woke her up for school, she cried a little and declared she felt "weird". I took this as a sign and told her to just stay in bed. But as I was unpacking her lunch box, I heard her yell from upstairs, "I'm going!". The thing about Little One is that she is a mover. She doesn't like the thought of hanging in bed all day (wait till she grows up, right?). Our rule is, if you stay home, you stay in. No friends or activities or practices...and this is painful for Little One. So she stumbled down the stairs and sat down to eat, tears rolling down her face. I gently explained to her that maybe it would be best to stay home and sleep, but she said she would stick it out. But the longer she sat, the harder she I finally had to exercise my mom-authority and tell her to go back to bed. She nodded slowly, took off her tennis shoes, and headed back up the stairs, mumbling "I hope you let me play outside later if I feel better".

The funny thing is, under the same circumstances, The Boy would be just as careful in deciding to stay home, because he cannot stand the thought of getting behind...but once he decides to stay home, don't even try to pry him out of bed...

A little while later, The Senior called on her way to class. She, too, was feeling under the weather, but was experiencing what all mothers experience...and that is, when you are a mom, how you feel doesn't matter very much. She had woken up early to take the Tyke to daycare so she could get to school and study, but she was wishing she could just go back home and sleep. I had a flash-back to a few years earlier when she would bow out of class due to rainy days and late nights...but things change and people grow up...and responsibility is the toughest teacher of all. And suddenly she remembered that her professor was showing a movie in class, so that only left that pesky weight-lifting class to get through...and all of a sudden things didn't seem so dire..and so "thanks for chatting mom, but I have stuff to do"...

The Husband doesn't believe in missing work for illness. He is extremely disciplined and refuses to give into that sort of thing...and besides, if you're home in bed, you don't get to be in control....

So until tomorrow...Friday....which seems like the goal-line this week....

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