Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Angelina, the Stop and Shop, and What Goes in the Cart

When I turned on my computer at the crack of dawn today, the first story that popped up was about Brad and Angie. (Ok, maybe it was just the first story I looked at...hard to be too serious at 6:30) It was detailing their adventures in Long Island while Angelina is there to film a movie. There seems to be a lot of shock because they showed up at Dunkin Doughnuts, Stop and Shop and CVS. You have to admire these two in a way. I mean, six children all under the age of 7. I know they probably have nannies, but they don't put off that vibe, do they? Every picture of them that isn't at some swanky event is with their kids, doing normal stuff. The big news at the Stop and Shop was what was in their grocery cart. (Can you imagine having people take pictures of what you have in your cart? What about those days when the sugar cravings get the best of you? What about those pharmacy needs that should be private? What about when you pick the store brand to save money?...these are not things you want to share with the world. I even hate it when the person behind me stares at my stuff...and the worst is when the cashier picks up an item and looks at it...ok, I digress...) They had tuna, nuts, watermelon...and toys. I loved the toys thing. Is there a mom alive who has not been forced to buy a toy for some outrageous price at the Stop and Shop to keep the peace? At least it shows some human-ness. As far as the items, Angie is obviously following the low-carb diet, and that would explain how she keeps her svelte body. She is just one gorgeous person. I don't care how many stylists, trainers or make-up artists she has, nobody can look that good consistently in every photograph without being naturally beautiful. If only I could throw on leggings and dark glasses and look that cool. And by the way, she has never had a bad hair day in her life. Those magazine layouts she does for St. John's are my favorites...I always rip them out and save them because they are so aesthetically beautiful. (Then I look up the clothes on line and remember why they look so great...)

The next article was about Sarah Jessica Parker. She and Matthew Broderick are having twins. They are using a surrogate (I guess due to her age....did anyone know she was 47?) and they are having girls! Now this really pleases me because I have long worried about who would get her beautiful clothes. Her little boy is adorable, but she just needed some girls to dress and advise on fashion.

And lastly, I heard over the weekend that two people named Spencer and Heidi from The Hills got married. I congratulated myself on not knowing who they are because I truly believe that that show and similar ones are the down-fall of society. So imagine how far I had to come off my high-horse when I popped onto Facebook for a moment and saw daughter Rachel dissecting the show with her friends who will remain nameless...I have obviously failed in so many ways...

So until tomorrow, when I think we will plan a 3 day trip to NYC before going to Paris...A girl needs her dreams...

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