Tuesday, April 28, 2009

15 Minutes of Fame

Off to a late start today. I was back at the hair salon again for the quarterly highlights. No good ease-dropping to report on today. The lady in the next chair quietly read her Good Housekeeping and had nothing to offer. The stylist in the next chair (whose name is Robin, so I am constantly looking up when people call her name) did validate one of the items on "the List" when she pulled out her Lysol-to-Go can and sprayed the area after a client walked out the door. (I was also wondering if they did that after I left) She swore that it helps keep her from getting sick. I nodded in quiet agreement, remembering how many times I used it last weekend at the baseball park.
My darling stylist was floating on air because her childhood crush, the drummer from No Doubt (Adrian something) had come into the shop last week and she had cut his hair. Now this was no small feat because he sports a mohawk that is multi-colored, so she trimmed it and re-bleached it, and tinted the ends in pink. All this while acting casually non-chalant about it...until she finished and asked if she could take phone pictures of him and get him to autograph several items with personalized comments. In her words, "maybe the dorkiest moment of my life". The upside is, he gave her backstage tickets to their concert in June where she will also get to meet Gwen Stephani. Very cool. Of course, I had to ask her why she wasn't using this to more of a marketing advantage...there should be pictures of the two of them hanging around her station and there should have been a write up in the local paper...This got her thinking, and when I left, she was discussing the whole thing with the boss...and it got me thinking that I should be the one writing the article for the paper...

So we will wrap up quickly and early today in order to become a "celebrity reporter"..

Until tomorrow, when I may have become too famous to write this blog anymore...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I say if you write the article, she brings you to the show with her! :)