Friday, March 19, 2010

This and That (After the Break)

I took a blog-break this week. I had something to do every morning that had me avoiding my computer. Wednesday morning I met a good friend for coffee. I am always amazed at the sheer number of subjects we can cover in a 2 hour period. We ordered our coffee from Starbucks, and two hours later, I still had half a cup left. This differs from my usual practice of finishing my cup between the drive-through and my house. I'm repeating a theme that I have visited in the blog many times before, but having a friend of this caliber is a true blessing in life. I met her on the steps of Little One's preschool 10 years ago, and we have been on the same wavelength ever since. When I have exciting news, I call her. When I have devastating news, I call her. And everything in between. I can always count on a kind, honest and supportive ear. We may not live near each anymore, but I always feel close to her nevertheless.

Last night, I came in from Little One's softball practice about 9:30. We had gone there straight from The Boy's game, so there was still dinner, bath and homework to do. I was tired and grumpy and pretty sure that I was going to miss my beloved Project Runway. The light on the answering machine was flashing , so I pushed play. I wished I hadn't. On it was a voice reminding me that I had volunteered to distribute art projects to all of the lower school rooms in the morning. Now I had volunteered for this months ago...and isn't that what always happens? You say yes long in advance and then ask yourself "What was I thinking?" Anyway, I psyched myself into "positive mode", and a very nice co-volunteer and myself miraculously completed the project in a couple of hours.

I started a new workout routine this week. After taking a few months off due to the heart issues, I decided it was time to start back. I pulled out one of my old Cindy Crawford videos which was always guaranteed to bring results in a few weeks. I started it on Tuesday morning, proud of myself for getting through part of it. It had always been difficult, so I had cut myself a bit of slack. By Wednesday morning, I was in pain. I could barely walk up the stairs to wake the kids for school. Each step was torture. I gave myself a day off, but this morning after the volunteer duty, I was determined to try it again. I made it a little longer this time, but not without some major groaning. As you get older, your head tells you you can do anything you want, but your body sometimes disagrees. I'm hoping I will eventually accomplish the whole tape...

The Boy is spending the night with a friend tonight. Little One and BFF are upstairs doing each other's hair. The Husband has put in the most violent movie he owns, so I'm content on this Friday night to retire to the bedroom and watch the episode of Project Runway that I missed...

Thank goodness the weekend is here...

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Cindy video with red bathing suit on the cover!? Radu? That one is so hard even she complains during it!