Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow-less Snow Days....

A snow day without snow. School is closed today, but there is no snow on our ground. The kids were praying for it all night long. The Boy was putting more research time into it than he does with his homework. He and his neighborhood posse of boys were calling anyone and everyone they knew who might tell them what they wanted to hear. The only thing that slowed him down was when he took a brief break to play basketball, and he went up too hard and bumped his head on the basket. He came in and said he was finished playing for the night. Since this has never happened before, I was worried. "I bumped my head...sort of a lump." I felt his head and almost fainted. There was a lump the size of a golf ball. I wondered out loud whether I should take him to the doctor...and he and The Husband rolled there eyes. The rest of the night was spent with a bag of ice plopped on his head...but he was still able to perform extensive research on whether or not he would have school. Finally, he seemed convinced by a friend on facebook who said "Our cars are covered in snow".....I pointed out that we had none on our driveway...but this seemed unimportant....

We watched the National Championship last night. I grew up in Tennessee, so cheering for Alabama is a mortal sin. That left me with Texas. The Husband likes them, so I decided to jump on his bandwagon. But it was not to be. To be honest, besides the Heisman winner guy who is an amazing athlete, I wasn't really impressed with either one. The Texas quarterback was slightly injured early on and never came back in because they had to "protect his NFL career". I wasn't sure how I felt about that. His shoulder was not even sprained, but they would not let him play in his school's National championship. The freshman quarterback who came in gave an admirable effort...but he was really in over his head. I just cannot see Tim Tebow making this decision.

The new season of 'The Bachelor' began Monday night. I made a short effort to watch it...the new bachelor seems like a nice guy. But as usual, it was just too cringe-worthy. The women were saying and doing things that literally made me turn away from the tv. I had to turn it after about 15 minutes. Maybe I'll try again when he narrows the field a bit...

So here we are on a 3 day weekend...Little One appeared at the crack of dawn and was sent back to her room. "You need to sleep late" I explained. Ok, who am I fooling? I needed to sleep in a bit. The Boy won't appear until around 11...and then he will be "starving". He and The Husband will be heading to the big city to watch the Hawks tonight. Most people would be put off by the weather, but The Husband will see it as a challenge. This means I will have to worry all night. Little One will start lobbying for a BFF spend-the-night in about an hour...

So until tomorrow, when Little One and The Boy both have their first basketball games...and we enjoy a snow-less snow day....

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