Thursday, January 28, 2010

On the State of the Union

I'm going to do a quick follow -up blog here this morning. I hadn't planned on watching the President's State of the Union speech. I was going to go run during this time....but it was too cold, so I was forced to watched. Therefore, I feel compelled to give a short reaction. My apologies to those of you who have this blog sent to your e-mail...sorry to put 2 in your box in one day. Remember, there were none yesterday...

Speech reaction:

1) "I am more hopeful than I have ever been"......I don't think most Americans are feeling this positive, but I could be wrong. I think there is a real feeling of worry and concern out there...

2) "Change has not come fast enough".....again, I feel there is a true disconnect with the country. The problem is, the change that has occurred has not helped or is not wanted.

3) You cannot re-name the Stimulus Bill. You can try and call it a Jobs bill now, but it is the same thing. And here is the deal....many of your job 'suggestions" could have already been passed if you had tried...but you were more interested in cramming through your agenda.

4) If you really believe that the only reason the healthcare bill is unpopular is because you "have not explained it well"....I don't know what to say. New Jersey, Virginia, you really think the people in those states didn't understand?? Isn't that an unbelievably smug and condescending reaction? Could it be that people heard and did not like it????

5) You spent very little time on National Security. Why didn't you mention the Christmas Day bombing? The terror trial in New York? Closing Guitmo?..............

6) Thanks for acknowledging that you have screwed up some this year. But you have to do more that acknowledge have to change course a bit......I don't see it yet, but I can be patient.

7) I liked the talk about helping out small businesses and college students...these are things I can support.

8) You want Congress to list earmarks on a website???? ...How about you VETO anything with an earmark in it...this was your campaign promise....

9) Kudos to your wife. Childhood obesity and help for veterans are 2 meaningful and important causes. She stays under the radar and I admire this.

10) It makes me physically ill to have to stare at Pelosi and Biden while you speak.

I think the President has a hard time not being "adored". When he looks out at the republicans in his audience, and they are staring at him stone-faced...he cannot handle it. He still feels that he can somehow win people over with his charisma and personality.....

Please, Mr. President......change course....listen to the Americans.....and listen, you can blame the former administration the first month you are in office...maybe the second....but by the first's your baby. YOU are Washington, Mr. are no longer the "outsider". You are the change, remember? Don't play the blame makes you look weak....

So that is it for today and tomorrow.....happy weekend to all.....

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