Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rainy day Re-cap

I'm late getting to it today. Strangely happy to have rainy suits my mood. When I opened the mail yesterday, there was a small package from our vet. I figured it was some paperwork or receipts from The Dog's last visit. When I opened it, I burst into tears. It was clay imprint of The Dog's pawprint. A very dear remembrance, but it took me by surprise, along with the tears it brought. When I showed it to the kids, Little One also burst into tears. The Boy said sadly, "Frame it, mom." We miss The Dog....

Little One had an audition last night for yet another play. I have to admit I was a little reticent to do this again so soon...but for the shy Little One, this is a great there we were again in the try-out room. She came out all smiles, confident that she had done well. We won't find out for a few weeks, but I'm proud of the fact that she has the guts to try out...of course, BFF was by her side, so it made it a little easier.

The Boy and Husband headed to the school for the baseball team meeting. This was merely an excuse to go out to eat afterwards. When I tried to get some information on the team, they both looked at me like I was crazy. However, The Boy could give me the exact rundown of what they both ate....

A quick addendum on yesterday's political blog....I like this Steve Brown guy. He seems smart and genuine....and a great sense of humor. I like his take on things...he is a republican, but he acknowledges that he comes from a state that is 85% he is anxious to work for "both sides". I think he has a great political future. I started thinking about how he is just now joining the senate, so it might be awhile before he can run for President if he so chooses....but then I remembered that our President was not long on experience either...

So that's it for today. Little One has basketball practice tonight and The Husband has indicated that I might have to be in charge...this means I will actually have to talk....

Until tomorrow....

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