Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On Friendship and Finishing the Darn Painting...

I was going to take the morning off the blog. The beach painting has been staring at me ever since we returned, but I have just been avoiding it. Everyone who sees it thinks it is finished, but I know better. There are some minor tweaks to be made here and there. The problem is, right now I love it. And everyone who sees it loves it...so the only way to go is down. The question is....Do I finish it and take the chance of messing it up? Or do I just call it a day and live with the minor errors? Courageous or coward? I am comforted by a couple of books I just read about Mattise and Van Gogh. Both of these masters were constantly doubting their abilities and their paintings. Now before anyone thinks I am making a comparison of myself to them....I'm Not...I'm just comparing my insecurities. The point is, after 25 years of paining, one would think that all of the doubts that set in at this point would go away...

Anyway, the reason I am briefly writing this morning is to thank a friend for being a friend. As I sat in drop-off line chatting with Little One, one of my morning crew friends brought me a new book about our relationships with our pets. She had seen it advertised and had been thinking of me because of our loss of The Dog. This almost brought tears to my eyes. Not just the book, which I am sure I will enjoy, but the fact that she was thinking about me. That is what friendship is all about, isn't it? That and the fact that she makes me belly-laugh on a weekly basis....

So today, as I attempt to finish my painting, I will be saying a silent prayer for The Dog....and for good friends...and praying also that I don't mess up the painting.....

Until tomorrow...

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