Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Was Wrong About Sarah Palin

10 months ago, Sarah Palin was thrust to national acclaim by being nominated as John McCain's running mate. Though she was Govenor of Alaska at the time, she was little known...a blank page so to speak. I was totally enamoured with her at the time. Here was a mother of 5, one of whom was challenged, who was accomplished, energetic, charming and seemingly capable. I was strangely touched that this woman with whom I felt I had so much in common, was being considered for one of the highest political positions we have.
I was appalled at the way he press went after her. Before she even had a chance to speak at the convention, word of her teenage daughter being pregnant was being blast all over the papers and TV. My heart went out to the family, though I was privately curious as to why the campaign would have not just "put that out there", knowing full well that there are no secrets in politics.

Her convention speech was amazing, so I wasn't even put off when the patronizing and condescending Charlie Gibson tried to trip her up with the "Bush Doctrine". I mean, I am fairly aware politically..and I had no idea what the reference was...there were even some news commentators that said they probably couldn't define no big deal.

As time went on, I became nervous whenever she had to speak, because it felt like her understanding of deeper subjects was not thorough. But I chalked it up to lack of experience...and hey, our President was saying we had 56 states and calling Iran a "tiny" country, so there was plenty of "knowledge deprivation" to go around.

After the terrible interview with Katie Couric, I was disappointed. It was obvious that Couric was just looking for a crack...but Palin showed her a huge whole. The whole "You can see Russia from my house" thing was embarrassing, but the fact that she could not articulate what she read bothered me even more. I mean, let's face it, if someone asks you what you is like being asked what you brainer. I read the Wall Street Journal every morning...and sometimes the local paper. How hard is it to say that?...unless you do not read anything. Now at the time, I made excuses for her...she froze, she got defensive...I was still willing to stand behind her. I was just waiting for her to "get up to speed". Unfortunately, it did not happen before the campaign ended.

In last weekend's Wall Street Journal, Peggy Newnan once again skewered Palin, albeit in a gentle way. She never liked her...the feminist journalists can never like anyone who is conservative or attractive. But she did allow that Palin was charming and energetic, with loads of potential...potential that was just never achieved.

I held out hope that after the election she would just go home and that she could answer questions with a depth of knowledge that should be expected from our leaders. But I don't think she did it. And listen, half of the senate and congress can't do it...but they would not be subject to 1/10 of the scrutiny that she is. She has been more unfairly attacked I believe than anyone who has ever run for office...I mean the attacks have been ugly, personal, vitrious and appalling...but in the end, if you cannot take the heat, you have to either get out of the kitchen, or learn how to ignore it, And I don't think she can do it.

I am always an optomist, so I will take exception to Newnan's assertion that Palin is hopeless...but my hopes are fading.

And on another political note...can our President please learn how to speak without a tele-prompter?....speeches should not have to end because it breaks...
And please ...LEARN HOW TO THROW OUT A FIRST PITCH!...He threw like a girl at last night's All Star game....very embarrassing.....Bush had his problems, but he could throw a ball...

So until tomorrow, when I will continue to hope for the best in our politicians, but expect very little sometimes...

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