Friday, February 26, 2010

On the Pre-Middle School Dance Preparations...

The note came home a few weeks ago. The middle school dance would require a coat and tie this time. Now, as much as The Boy had enjoyed the last dance...he balked at this. And besides, he and dad had tickets that night for his beloved Atlanta Hawks game. He was torn. I actually could have gone either way on this one, since I seem to be having trouble letting go lately...However, The Husband's 2 cents was that he should go to the dance. He left it up to The Boy, who said he would "let us know".

A few days ago, The Husband pressed for an answer. The Boy still waivered. The deep, dark answer seemed to be hidden at school somewhere because he kept saying he would find out at school. No, it wasn't date based. No "dates" allowed. Finally, he climbed in the car after baseball practice one day and said weakly "I guess I'll go to the dance."

Ok, since he did not have a jacket, The Husband suggested he wear one of his. Knowing better than to argue, I just went and retrieved one of his jackets and put it on The Boy. He is a big kid...but not that big. The next day, I set out to find a jacket. The Boy is in that 'tween' this wasn't easy. He has a school trip to Washington DC coming up in a couple of months, so I needed something appropriate for that, too. I finally found a beautiful Calvin Klein jacket and a very cool shirt to go with it. When The Boy came in that night, I had him try it on for dad. The Husband thought it might be a bit snug. I disagreed...I like that sleek, fitted look. The Boy had no opinion...he was watching a game. When The Husband heard the sale price for the jacket, he suddenly felt the fit was just fine.

Today, The Boy came in tired and grumpy from baseball practice. His braces were killing him due to yesterday's adjustment. His MLB fantasy baseball draft was due to take place in minutes. He was hedging again....did he HAVE to go to the dance , he asked? Well, it was up to me. The Husband was not around to say "Of course." ....Now it was my turn to be torn. I could let him stay home....and we could draft our teams and watch the Hawks play on tv. He would have jumped at that. But I reminded myself to do the right thing. Sometimes you have to give a little push. I sent him up for his shower and laid out his clothes......And then I saw it....the security thingy was still on the shirt! How could I have not checked that? Oh no. The wonderful GQ look was down the tubes. When The Boy came in, I apologized...he looked at me with glazed eyes. "Can't you just pick another?" ....Well, of course I could. And I did. And he looked so handsome. The Husband wasn't home to tie the tie, but The Boy wasn't fazed. He would recruit a chaperone at the dance to do the honors.

A few minutes later, his ride was here. I had reluctantly agreed to let him ride with a friend. The mom knocked on the door and he was off. I just couldn't help it...."Can I get a hug?"....He strolled back over and gave me a bear hug and whispered "Love you mom"......Once again I said my little prayer..."Please let him do that just a little longer..."

We get to do the pick up tonight....I hope he has fun...Until tomorrow....

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