Friday, February 12, 2010

On Snowless Snow days....

A stroke of luck. The kids are off of school today. Snow is threatened, but not here. Unfortunately, I did not know this until I sat in the school line (by myself) for awhile this morning. I listen to the national news in the morning, not the local news, so it never occurred to me that were closed. As we sat in line, The Boy began to realize that there was no school. His sense of joy and happiness was only slightly marred by the fact that he had the only mom who did not have the info. As always, he was kind, if annoyed. Because you know, he could still be in bed. Little One on the other hand, is always ready to let me know that I am always out of 'the know".....

Anyway, the good news is that the weekend at Grandma's house became a bit longer. We ran home and packed up for the long weekend. The Husband kindly ran to the house before work to turn on the heat and hot water (and whatever else he has turned off...). Now, even though we will only be there a few days, my car looked like it was packed for the beach. I have no idea why. I was highly edited in my packing....but when snow is threatened, games, movies and books must be brought along.....The kids were actually excited, which I did not expect, because they are at the age when friends trump weekends with the family. But for some reason, they were up for it. We threw the cats in the car, crossed our fingers, and headed out.

As usual, stepping in Grandma's house is a lovely feeling. No chores, no stress....This is definitely my Valentines day gift...The Husband is off the hook for anything. I brought several books that I want to read, and Little One and I headed to Blockbuster, where she picked up several movies she has been wanting to see. I grabbed a couple of french movies that I have been dying to see. The Boy brought along his computer, DS, PSP and Wii....he will watch ESPN with dad and be in video-heaven all weekend.

Just a warning...I am in my perfect little writing room today, and I am in a writing mood, so I intend on making up for the many days lately that I have not had the time to blog. Beware those of you who have this shot to your e-mail....I may get carried away today...

Until tomorrow, when I may not move from this chair all day...

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