Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Dissertation on the Bachelor (or in the words of Forrest Gump..."I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is".)

Another snow day, no school. I didn't expect this. I even got up and packed book bags and fixed breakfast. Ok, so here we go. I have maybe an hour of good writing time...

I am going to interweave Part 2 from the hair salon with today's subject which has a huge cringe factor. Let me explain. When I sat down in the chair last week, my hair dresser and I (not mentioning her name is out of respect and not fear this time...see previous blog) exchanged hellos and the basic blah, blahs. How are you? What's new? What do you want done? And then we do what we always do...we eavesdrop on the conversations going on around us and discuss whatever sounds interesting. On this particular day, the subject of choice was this year's season of the Bachelor. Now, my hair dresser and I...ok, let's call her Cassidy...we kind of acted above the whole conversation, like, "oh my goodness, You all watch that?" And then as soon as everyone else left our area, we dove in. I admitted that I might have watched the first season, and you know, I think I might have seen the Bachelorette. Cassidy said yeah, she saw those too, and she also might have seen the one with the comedian guy and the football player. Oh yeah, I replied, I might have caught a few episodes of that one, too. Well, 10 minutes later, I think between the two of us, we had covered every season, to our great shame.

After totally dissecting the show and the psychological reason that anyone would voluntarily go on there, we moved to this season. Now, I TRULY have not watched one episode this year, but I kept up with the happenings of bachelor Jason by listening to morning radio on my school drive every Tuesday morning. Jason was the previous bachelor on "The Bachelorette" (the plot thickens) and he was dissed on the finale. The lovely but slightly psycho Deanna, who had been on the PREVIOUS Bachelor, only to be eliminated during the finale, chose some other guy, leaving Jason, who also happens to be a single father, heartbroken and alone.

So this season, Jason, who they claim is "a good guy", romanced and hot-tubbed his way through the season, and it came down to M&M (Molly and Melissa). Now, in the end, he picked Melissa, asked her to marry him, and sent Molly home in tears....Fast-forward to last night, which was 6 weeks later...as Chris, the nice-guy show host said "a truly historical Bachelor"...Jason changed his mind. After spending 6 weeks with the afore-mentioned Melissa, he decided that she was not for him after all, and he was truly in love with Molly. So he brought out Melissa, broke up with her on nationwide television, and then tried to get Molly to take him back.

Now last night, after Jack Bauer had once again saved the world in an hour, I casually flipped over to "The Bachelor...After the Rose" just to see what had happened. I waited for Tony to scream in protest, which he didn't (which meant that he was playing Risk on his computer instead of working, which he often does.) Tony's usual reaction to the Bachelor is "who cares?" or "what a slut". But last night, we both watched in shame while Jason humiliated poor Melissa. Now Tony claims the whole thing was staged, and I have to admit, I'm leaning in that direction too. But nobody on the morning message boards agrees. Everyone seems to think that Jason is now the lowest of low. How dare he admit that he made a mistake? How dare he admit that after only knowing a girl for a few months, most of that time spent on luxury dates and in a hot tub, he just didn't gel with her in real life?

Listen, I don't know Jason, and I agree that it is pretty scummy to play this all out on national television. But don't the girls know it going in? Doesn't it make sense that he falls in love/lust after only a few months, but once they are in the real world with his son, they have to see if it works? I think that was the big elephant in the room last night. He kept saying that "the chemistry changed", but I have a feeling that once the lust had subsided, the dynamic with his son just wasn't right. So now Molly gets her shot. And I have to say from the quick clip they showed of them together with the little boy, she seemed to have more of a "motherly" side. Of course this is a totally unfair assessment based on a two minute clip, so my apologies to Melissa.

Tony's take on all of this? "This guy is such a loser. Cheeseball...What's up with her dress?" I could just tape his comments and replay them every time. I don't think I've ever heard him say "Wow, there's a stand-up guy, and what a lovely girl he's chosen." But that is a subject for another blog...

Ok, kids are up. I still did not finish the hair salon discussion, so tomorrow's installation will be Part 3. And as far as the Bachelor goes, I absolutely promise to NOT watch it next season...

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