Friday, March 13, 2009

It's All about Lessons Learned

Vacation is winding down. It's been a lovely week. The weather could not have been better. I am in grateful mode today. I said to Tony this morning, with a sigh, "Back to the routine." And he smiled and said, "Yes, but that is good, because you love your routine." And he is right. I create a routine where ever I go. My days are structured and planned, and this is how I like it. But I will miss the slower pace of the days and the ease of expectations. Coffee on the balcony, no book bags to pack, no homework to do...well, you get the picture. But there have been lessons learned this week...

A miracle has happened at the beach this morning. The fishermen are there, but I notice that things are different. NFL 1 is alone. He is wearing shorts and a t-shirt. He is NOT sitting on his cooler. He is chatting with the beach strollers. And I cannot be sure, but I think he caught a fish. Down the beach, the swimsuit boys have shirts on. One of them is sitting today. They are still working hard, but when their bucket was full, they sat down and rested. What to make of all of this? I guess we all have lessons to learn. Maybe NFL 1 decided to work a little harder. Maybe swimsuit boy decided to relax and take it all in. Remember when Forrest Gump said "Jenny taught me to read and I taught her to dangle." We all have something to teach and we all have something to learn.

Next door in the adjoining building, there is a beautiful older lady whom I have seen all week. She must be in her 70's, but she is active and engaged in her life. I see her at the pool, in the workout room and on the beach. She is absolutely stunning, but you can tell that she has lived in Florida for awhile. Her skin has aged faster than she has, a testament to the strong sun. When I was a little girl, my mom covered me in zinc oxide every summer morning before I left for the pool. This was during the time when all of the other girls my age were covering themselves in baby oil so that they could get the best tan possible. I remember my mom said "You will thank me when you are 40". Unfortunately she is not here, but I am thanking her anyway. The first few days I was here, I really wanted a tan, but my lovely neighbor reminded me that the only tan I really want is the one that is only visible when I take my suit off at night. Remember the conversation between Miranda and Carrie in "Sex and the City" when Miranda says "What happened to aging gracefully?" and Carrie replied "It got old". I guess it's all a matter of balance.

Speaking of balance, a friend of mine sent me an e-mail yesterday pointing out the fact that my blogs this week reflect my personality. One day I write about competition, and the next I write about enjoying the moment. She is absolutely correct. These are the opposing sides of ME. I am goal driven. I make lists and cross them off. I am very disciplined. But I am a Libra, so I require balance. I quell my competitive spirit by telling myself that it is the process and not the end that really matters. One of my favorite poems is called Ithaca. It is about a journey to a place called Ithaca, but it reminds you to take your time on the journey, because it is the long trip and all that happens on it that will bring you happiness.

I'm not sure what lessons the kids learned this week. I guess Matt learned that if he pushes Gabrielle in the pool, she will kick him in the shin. I suppose this is the lesson of cause and effect.

So back to reality next week. It has been so much easier to write at the beach. No pressure or self-imposed deadlines. Mark Twain said "Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions." Maybe a picture of the beach above my desk at home will help...

So until next week...back to reality...where there are more lessons to be learned...