Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On Wanting to Tell Your Story...

I sat for awhile in the Principal's office this afternoon at Little One's school. I had a slight issue to discuss with him, so I was patiently waiting for him to finish up with someone else before I had my turn. As I sat quietly taking it all in, I felt a renewed respect for the school secretary. In the 20 minutes that I was in there, she distributed 3 band aids, ice, 2 tissues, took 5 phone calls, made 4 copies...all while talking to teachers and monitoring the Principal's whereabouts....amazing.

When she stepped out of the room for a moment, in ran a little boy...I was guessing a kindergartner. Running down his knee was a tiny stream of blood. It was obvious to me, sitting across the room, that this was a minor scrape...a boo-boo as it were. But this little boy was not of the same opinion. He ran in and exclaimed "Excuse me!!! Excuse me!! I need some help!" Well, since I was the closest adult in sight, he looked at me. Now I had no idea where the band aids were kept, but his urgency made me want to at least pretend that I did....so I rose to my feet. As I did, the secretary came back in. "I need a band aid!" he shouted. Sweetly, she grabbed a tissue and instructed him to wipe it off. She sprayed some sort of anesthetic on it...to which he replied "It's feeling better already." She pulled out a band aid and began to apply it....and then it came. The question he had been dying to ask ever since he came in. "Wanna here how it happened?" ....Now I'm sure you think the secretary answered "Of course" or "tell me".....but no. She avoided the question all together and diverted him with a "You'll be fine". ....Now look...I didn't blame her one bit. I'll lay odds that she had heard similar stories at least 10 times today. I have no doubt that with only minutes to go in the day, she just couldn't listen to one more...

But the little boy was determined to be heard. You know that feeling when you have a story and you just have to tell it? And no matter what anyone says or how they try to avoid it...you find a way to get it out (This blog is a great way of accomplishing that)......Well, the boy began his story. And when the phone rang and the secretary turned to answer it...he just continued on, never even hesitating. In fact, he started talking to me as if I were somehow a worthy substitute for his attention. I could not hear a word he was saying above the din of the phone, teachers and all...but it didn't matter. All I had to do was nod my head and smile. When the secretary hung up the phone, she instructed him to head back to his class. He smiled and hobbled to his feet, putting on an Oscar-worthy performance as he limped out the door. The only problem was....he was limping on the wrong leg....

I thought about that little guy all afternoon. He made me miss my Boy. Day 2. Is this only Tuesday? I actually went up and stared at his un-made bed. I wondered what he was doing. I think tonight is the dinner cruise. Did he get the coach to tie his tie? Did he ask someone to dance? Is he getting any sleep? Is he having fun? All these questions I have. When I ask them out loud to The Husband...he answers like the school secretary...total avoidance, with a dash of condescension. "He''ll be fine". But even the Husband admitted to missing him. After all, he has nobody to throw on the floor and tackle...

So until tomorrow...or the next day...

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