Friday, April 9, 2010

Martha Washington Did Not Wear a Mini-Dress or Messy Bun...

This morning was Little One's long-awaited Biography Breakfast. This is the day when they dress up like a famous person from history that they are secretly-assigned to, do a short presentation, and see if their classmates can guess who they are. This is all done during a breakfast that is provided by the mothers (or fathers) of the students from the class.

Little One was assigned to be Martha Washington. This did not thrill her. "I wanted to be Amelia Eckert". .....Who? I asked............."You know, the lady flier. She wore pants"............Ah, you mean Amelia Earhart......
We scoured books and books to find a picture of Martha Washington that suited Little One. With each picture, she became more and more depressed. I tried to explain that this was meant to be a historical study, not a fashion show...but I was met with the glare that Little One often gives me, which means that I just do not understand anything. "Mom. I am not wearing some dumb long dress. And what is with her hair? Why do I have to be Mother of the Country? "...........Well, I had to admit that this may not have been a terrific match up for Little One, but I was determined to try and get her to have a good attitude. As I have said before, despite my penchant for Project Runway, I am not a gifted costume maker. This meant we would need to order something. Imagine my delight when I typed in "Martha Washington" on, and 5 things popped up. Unfortunately, Little One did not share my delight. She was visually appalled. "You will have to cut that dress and make it shorter." Well, you know, you agree to certain things just to make life easier...

Last night, when she tried on the costume, there were issues...and a loud argument ensued. I refused to cut the dress off at the knees....I had a feeling Martha had not been into mini-dresses. I also insisted that she wear her hair in a bun. Not one picture had shown Martha in flowy, Hannah Montanna hair....Little One put up her best fight, but finally relented and agreed to a "messy bun"....Ok, so this would be the sexy version of Martha Washington....

So this morning, I awoke to make chocolate chip pancakes at 6:00. These are the silly things you commit to weeks before the actual day. What the heck was I thinking? Oh well...hopefully it would put Little One in a good mood. When she clomped downstairs in her long dress and messy bun, I noticed she had on cowboy boots. Again, I felt that Martha would not have sported these under her gowns, but I kept my mouth shut. Like Little One, I occasionally feel the need to rebel a bit...

I delivered Little One and the pancakes to school and left....I had been dis-invited on the grounds that I would make her too nervous. So on this lovely Friday morning, I'm hoping that the presentation went well, and that the pancakes tasted ok....

Until tomorrow...

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