Monday, March 15, 2010

Only Those With a Strong Stomach Need Read...

We spent the last weekend of Spring Break at Grandma's house, always a joy for me. I enjoyed the peace and quiet, but this was interrrupted by a minor 'crisis'. I ran to the store to grab a few items, and when I returned, I was met at the door by both The Boy and Little One. This is never a good sign. Little one immediately told me that "something really bad" had happened, while The Boy stood by with a helpless look on his face. I was led to the back bathroom which they share, only to discover that the toilet had over-flowed. Now, this really doesn't describe the scene. When I say overflowed...I mean flooded the entire bathroom...

I'll admit my first reaction was not a good one, but in the end...this sort of thing is really nobody's fault, so I regained control. My first decision was what to "go in" with. I needed the sort of get up that you imagine people wearing into a nuclear, space suit, bubble mask, etc. But these were not I settled on high-heeled boots, gym shorts and grungy t-shirt. I sent The Boy away, knowing that the overwhelming mess and smell would only make him sick. But Little One stood by, waiting to help like a trooper. I waded over to the toilet, only to find that The Boy had made an effort to "plunge" with a broken plunger. I quickly sent Little One on a reconnaisence search for another plunger....and she found one. Next, I plunged for several minutes, and just when I was about to give up, I heard that lovely gulping sound....and thankfully, everything went down.

Next, I surveyed the area and charted my course. First I threw down several towels. This barely put a dent in things, but after Little One rolled them up and delivered them to the washer, things began to improve. I sprayed the entire room with Lysol, and began the herculean task of wiping up. You know how when you see someone throw up, you feel like doing the same...well, now you know how I felt. But half an hour later, that bathroom was sparkling clean. Little One and I shook hands and admired our work. The Boy shook his head in disbelief...a miracle had occurred....

When we got home last night, The Boy went up for his shower. As The Husband and I were chatting in the den, we heard a strange sound in the kitchen. We sprinted in just in time to see a stream of water pouring from a light in the ceiling. The Poor Boy...he had once again inadvertently caused an issue. When I ran up and told him to turn off the water, he exclaimed "This was not my fault!" Well, of course not. These things happen....and usually in 3's....

So today, I am going to hold my breath and hope that the third thing was the smoke alarm battery dying at 4:00 this morning....

Until tomorrow....

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