Monday, July 6, 2009

They Came, They Played, They Won

And so they won. In a game that played out like something from a movie, The Boy's team became the Little League champions. The Boy pitched like he was possessed with the ghost of....well, he would want me to say Tim Hudson. Strike out after strike out, fast ball after fast ball, knuckle ball after knuckle was amazing. He also stepped to the plate and blasted 2 home runs and a double. As fate would have it, Grandpa was there to watch. Having been a baseball coach himself, Grandpa is usually ready with many suggestions and much advice for The Boy. Even Grandpa was speechless. After the big celebration, The Boy walked out with the goofy grin on his face, not sure himself what had just happened. We stopped to eat on the way home...and also re-live the game inning by inning. I looked at The Boy and felt so happy for him. He will remember that game all of his life.

Fourth of July was a lovely day. With Grandpa still visiting and good friends over too, we ate and talked and watched the lovely fireworks from Grandma's deck which overlooks the golf course. Except for one tree which blocked some of the lower ones, it was a perfect view. (The Husband and his BFF have decided to covertly get rid of that tree during the winter so that next year's view will be perfect...) Little One was in seventh heaven with her sparklers, but I have decided that more attention needs to be paid to history in our house, since when asked what the Fourth of July was all about, she answered "something to do with Abraham Lincoln."

So this morning, Little One and Big Brother head off to basketball camp...and back home for baseball and softball practice in the evening. Summer continues to be one long sporting event, which gets me down a bit until I realize that one day I will miss all of that I choose to be thankful for all the chaos. But this morning, after the baseball uniform is washed, and the softball uniform is laid out, and the reservations are made for the upcoming tournament...I will pull out my pictures from Paris and allow myself to dream about how it felt to spend summer days in my favorite city...

As a forewarning to the guy readers, the next few articles I am writing are fashion -oriented, which means thoughts and deeds will be all about clothes, shoes, bags...etc. Baseball and such will go to the back-burner, and a discussion of safari jackets as opposed to trench coats will be more prevalent..

One more sports note.. the tennis match between Roger Federer and Andy Roddick yesterday was amazing. 5 sets, with the last set becoming the longest in Wimbledon history. I have been a Federer fan since he I had to pull for him. The Husband and the Grandpa were shaming me on this, reminding me that Roddick was the American. But that has never been my reason for cheering for someone. When I was a little girl, I cheered for Bjorn Borg against everyone...he was my hero. So my hats off to Roddick on an amazing effort...but after his 15th major win...Roger Federer is just the best there has ever been...

So until tomorrow, when the summer sports continue, but the fall fashion preview begins...

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