Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lessons We Learn

I was glad to sleep in my own bed last night. After another barn-burner (win) of a game Tuesday night, The Husband and I have agreed that our hearts and nerves cannot take much more. We decided to stay at a nearby hotel that night since we played the next day. This was meant to give us more sleep...or not. The Boy and Center fielder had to sleep alone in the adjoining room. This thrilled them, but not me. The Boy is fairly responsible and reliable...but he is 12...and 12 is 12. So when The Husband told them that ESPN had to be turned off at 12:15, (and then he promptly fell asleep), I had to lay awake and pray for silence. At 12:30, just as I was nodding off (with sqirmy Little One beside me), I heard a burst of laughter which I quickly recognized as The Boy. I quickly dressed and stomped next door, pounding on the door. He opened up, and the lights and TV were indeed off. "What is going On?" I demanded. Giggles errupted from within, while he explained that Center fielder had tried to maneuver to the bathroom in the dark, only to trip over the bed and fall splat on the floor. Ok, I explained...but since you are surrounded by sleeping parents...go to sleep. And they until 5:30 in the morning, when a team of 5/6 year old players ran up and down the hall screaming, we slept....

After a day of trying to keep 12 12 year olds quiet and entertained, we returned to the ballpark in hopes of having an easier game. We were playing one of the "weaker" teams, but we, too, were out of pitching. It was not a pretty game. More like football than baseball. The Boy was hit twice at the plate, and at first, a ground ball took a bad hop and knocked him in the face. When I saw him spit, I thought it was a tooth, but luckily, he was sore, but ok. We were up by 2 in the last inning, but the cards were not with us, and we lost. The Boy had another homerun...and we had some good plays scattered throughout, but we were tired...and gave up too many walks.

So tonight we head back to play in the semi-finals...and who knows what the outcome will be. It has been a long season, full of excitement and fun. But lessons have been learned too. The Boy continues to learn how to improve and endure. The Husband has learned patience under fire. Little One has learned that the ballpark can be boring with no friends, so you have to bring your own ball and start a game...and new friends will flock to you. And me...I have learned that the best part of my season came before yesterday's game when The Boy came up from behind and gave me a hug...and a kiss...and said he loved me. I had to go into the dirty restroom and sob in a stall for a moment, because I was reminded again of what is important and what is not. There are moments of clarity in life...and this was one. I wanted to win the game...but the big picture was so much clearer.

As a sidebar here, I have to say one thing. These boys are still growing and learning. Moments of immaturity are to be expected... But as parents, we have to expect kindness and courage and grace. If we allow them to throw bats, yell at fellow players, and disrespect coaches...all in the name of "competitive spirit", then we do them a dis-service. The old adage, "It's not if you win or lose, it's how you play the game" surely comes in to play. The Boy knows that regardless of what happens, he is to carry himself with grace and kindness. I remind him to treat others the way he wants to be treated. Ok...lecture over for the day.

So we head down again tonight to the ball park...and win or has been an amazing season, full of friends and family and fun...

And until tomorrow, when I promise to eventually get back to more "romantic" matters...but first things first....

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