Friday, June 12, 2009

It's Friday and I'm Changing My Address

It's a beautiful Friday morning. the golfers are not yet out on the course, so it is very peaceful.

I'd like to take a moment and let you know that next Wednesday, I'll be changing the address to my blog. Since The Boy and Little One decided to start their own blogs using my e-mail address, it has become literally impossible to log into my own page. In order to re-simplify my life, I am going to change my address to I'll keep reminding over the next few days, because once I change the address...the old one is gone forever.

Since it is Friday, I am going to end the week by doing the Oprah-thing and listing "A few Things I Think Are Pretty Great." In other words, things I am thankful for:

1) I am thankful to be sitting in this lovely sitting room and writing while watching the golfers on this beautiful course.

2) I am thankful that we are headed to Atlanta to watch The Boy play ball again today.

3) I am thankful that the Little One has ammended her vegetarianism to "semi-vegetariansim" by adding back wings, fried chicken and hot dogs.

4) I appreciate the fact that every morning, The Husband gives me The Kiss on his way out the door, no matter how hurried, busy, or annoyed with me he is...

5) I love the way the Little One comes stumbling quietly into my room every morning and says "I'm starving to death."

6) I love getting the phone call from The Rebel on her way to work every morning where she recounts all of the drama of her previous evening....and then proceeds to begin a new day full of the same stuff.

7) I like the early morning IM from Big Sister saying good morning (even though I have to ignore it to finish my writing)

8) I like my first cup of coffee that I make so strong that most people would complain...but makes me feel like I am in France.

9) I like staring at my little group of perfume bottles and taking a minute to figure out which one I'll choose for the day...(well, there had to be a shallow one).

10 ) I like Fridays because it feels like I've successfully made it though another week...

So until next week, when the address will be Cestlaviegirl on Thurs.....

1 comment:

KC said...

i like my coffee to look like motor oil... must be a family thing :)